Meeting documents

SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee
Wednesday, 21st June, 2017 11.00 am

  • Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee, Wednesday 21st June 2017 11.00 am (Item 6.)

To receive this report. 


The Committee received a report from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Project Manager and a Public Health Specialist.


Production of an annual JSNA is a statutory duty for Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB).  The assessment presents evidence on the scale and nature of the population’s health and care needs, and likely future need, to inform decision making by the Board and its members.  The bulk of the information is published as a website at  An annual summary is also produced, usually concentrating on a cross-cutting issue or population group in the county.  The draft annual report for 2017 has a focus on ageing well.  It looks at the health, social care and wellbeing needs of the population aged over 65 and is complemented by a qualitative report detailing personal experience and attitudes to ageing well. 


The report is produced collaboratively by the partners on the Health and Wellbeing Board, and consulted upon widely to assess whether it is presenting a useful and realistic picture of need.  The Health and Wellbeing Board is formally a committee of the County Council, but also includes members from each district council in Somerset, the Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group and Healthwatch, representing patients’ views. The HWB is required to take the findings of the JSNA into account in developing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Somerset County Council and CCG are required to take it into account in commissioning decisions. 


The report highlighted a number of key themes including: the importance of prevention and lifestyle choices; that inequalities in health are very evident and that good transport, housing policy and social contact have a significant impact on the ability to remain independent, active and included in community life. 


During the debate, the importance of investing in prevention, supporting the 3rd sector and encouraging strong community links was acknowledged.  Parish Councils, village agents and a holistic view of public transport were all suggested as possible ways of contributing to this.


It was clarified that the JSNA will inform the HWB Strategy.  


The committee noted the report.

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